This mobile store locator is using a built-in API to fetch and display all the stores information. that makes it a very powerful and flexible mobile application. It enables users to views your stores list and details informations, view the stores on a Google Map, view a Google Street view, search by address, search the closest stores to their current location and more.

- List all your stores on Mobile devices (iPhone, iTouch, Android, iPad…).
- Support results pagination using the AJAX technology.
- Let your users search your stores by address or postal code.
- Support Google Maps v3
- Support distances in Km or in Miles.
- Support streetview display.
- Powered by jQuery and jQuery Mobile.
- Display the closest stores around the c

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  • Happy customers: 572
  • License price: $22
  • Published date: 2011-05-17 02:54:29